Sexy Asian Model
Name: Leigh Nguyen
Location: Dallas, TX
Birthday: January 12th
Zodiac: Capricorn / Dog
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Nationality: American (Born in Dallas, TX)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Varies but naturally black
Height: 5’1” barefoot
Weight: 100 lbs
Occupation: Student / Model
Major sought: B.S. Neuroscience and B.A. Biology
Characteristics: Weird, introverted, ambitious, eclectic, open-minded
Favorite Food: Vietnamese, Sushi, Mediterranean, anything spicy
Favorite Show: Family Guy, Law & Order (all of them), The Office, Heroes
Favorite Book: “The Agony & The Ecstasy” by Irving Stone
Favorite Car: Lotus Elise
Turn Ons: Intelligence, ambition, kindness, humor, and romantics
Turn Offs: Stupidity, apathy, malice, and conceit
Hi, I’m Leigh. I love neuroscience. I have a bachelor degree in both neuroscience and biology. I hope to get into med school someday.
I like to have fun and laugh. I’m not short, but cute sized — 5′1″, weigh about 100lbs. give or take 5 lbs. (usually give though).
I work out a lot — and not like the aerobic video crap (no offense) — I actually go to the gym and lift weights (because I’m hardcore - lol, j/k).
I have short people’s disease in which I have to fight for everything. I’m the little person in the gym that tries to lift the big weights even when on the verge of a hernia.
I love carbs! I eat rice like there’s no tomorrow. I have a current food addiction to FunYuns and spinach salad. I have yet to obtain bulging deltoids and biceps from eating a serving of spinache. I don’t like Popeye because of that.
I’m Vietnamese - not Filipino. My last name is Nguyen! If you know someone else named Nguyen, there’s a 99.9% chance that I’m NOT related to them. I’m also not related to any football players, models, or poker players that have the same surname. Trust me, about a third of Viet people have the name Nguyen. We’re not all related either…you crazy rednecks. j/k.
I’m a weirdo. I’m facetious to the core. I play guitar, but I don’t like to play for people because I get nervous and my hands get sweaty and I mess up. I also only like to learn the interesting parts of songs (i.e. opening riffs, chorus, etc. I have no use for boring musical interludes).
I’m laid back. I’m quiet, blase, and shy. I’m not high maintenance but I can be high strung. I listen more than I talk. When I do talk, I’m usually pretty facetious and I go on tangents.
I have ambitious goals in life. I like to utilize run-on sentences and “innovative” punctuation
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